Master's Thesis

Gendered power relations in UN peace missions : accounts of policewomen’s perseverance and empowerment

This thesis research examines policewomen’s experiences with gendered power relations in UN peacekeeping missions. The study sheds light on the participants’ multidimensional experiences with challenges, agency, and empowerment, through their everyday experiences in missions. The research argues that a multidimensional analysis of power relations can better account for policewomen’s varied experiences in missions. It further suggests that this approach can improve our understanding of how policewomen may actively be contributing to changing gendered cultures and hierarchies in peace mission environments.

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Author: Merethe A. Stensvik

Merethe A. Stensvik is a graduate of Master in International Relations at NMBU and a former intern at the ICT4COP-center. Merethe currently works as an advisor for the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration in the protection (asylum) process, where she contributes to Norway’s cooperation under the Dublin III regulation.”