
ICT4COP arranges conference on “Norwegian Model At Home and Abroad”

The ICT4COP Center held a successful one-day workshop at the Norwegian Police University College (PHS) Politihøgskolen Oslo on April 18, 2023 on “Norwegian model of preventive policing as a tool: at home and abroad”.
Competency in Community-Oriented Policing is a sought-after skill, On 18th of April, 2023 we discussed what this means both in the Norwegian and international police reform context. Key points that emerged include the importance of understanding the holistic nature of preventative work, the importance of local ownership, and the key role mutual trust plays, and how it can be built. Participants included researchers, the Norwegian preventative police and police leadership, and participants and trainers in Norway’s UN pre-deployment course. The key speakers at the event were Helene Gundhus (PHS), Hans Magnus Gjerlaug (Oslo Police), Masood Fazal and Gunnar Lien Holstein (Police Directorate, Preventative Section), Ingrid Nyborg from ICT4COP Center, Jai Ganpathy from PHS, Ann-Kristin Kvilekval (International Civilian Crisis Management, PHS), and Terje Løland (Standing Police Capacity, UNPOL).